OpenStack4j > Documentation / Identity (Keystone) V3

Identity Service (Keystone) V3

NOTE: The examples in this guide assume you have authenticated

The Identity (Keystone) V3 service provides the central directory of users, groups, region, service, endpoints, role management and authorization. This API is responsible for authenticating and providing access to all the other OpenStack services. The API also enables administrators to configured centralized access policies, users, domains and projects.

NOTE: The os used here is an instance of org.openstack4j.api.OSClient.OSClientV3.


OpenStack4j supports the ability to switch from one region to another within the same client. If you have a regional deployment (example: West and East coast) and would like to target certain calls to specific region see the sample below:

Switch to another region

// Switch to East Coast
List<? extends Server> eastServers = os.compute().servers().list();

// Switch to West Coast
List<? extends Server> westServers = os.compute().servers().list();

// Switch to Default - No region specified

The examples below will show basic Region operations

Creating a Region

Region region = os.identity().regions()
                                .description("Region for east coast")

Querying for Regions

Find all Regions

List<? extends Region> regionList = os.identity().regions().list();

Find a specific Region

//Find by ID
Region region = os.identity().regions().get("EastRegion");

Updating a region

This example will change the description of EastRegion from Region for east coast to East coast region by looking up the region and updating it. The example also shows the fluent nature of the API and how easy you can go to and from a mutable state via builder

Region region = os.identity().regions().get("EastRegion");
if (region != null)
  region = os.identity().regions().update(region.toBuilder().description("East coast region").build());

Deleting a Region

This example will delete the EastRegion we have been working with



The examples below will show basic Domain operations

Creating a Domain

Domain domain = os.identity().domains().create(Builders.domain()
            .description("This is a new domain.")

Querying for Domains

Find all Domains

List<? extends Domain> domainList = os.identity().domains().list();

Find a specific Domain

//Find by ID
Domain domain = os.identity().domains().get("domainId");

Updating a Domain

This example will change the enabled-status of the domain from true to false by looking up the domain and updating it. The example also shows the fluent nature of the API and how easy you can go to and from a mutable state via builder

Domain domain = os.identity().domains().get("domainId");
if (domain != null)
  domain = os.identity().domains().update(domain.toBuilder().enabled(false).build());

Deleting a Domain

This example will delete the Domain we have been working with



The examples below will show basic Project operations

Creating a Project

Project project = os.identity().projects().create(Builders.project()
            .description("This is a new project.")

Querying for Projects

Find all Projects

List<? extends Project> projectList = os.identity().projects().list();

Find a specific Project

//Find by ID
Project project = os.identity().projects().get("projectId");

//Find by Name and Domain
Project project = os.identity().projects().getByName("projectName","projectDomainId");

//Find by Name accross all Domains
List<? extends Project> projectList = os.identity().projects().getByName("projectName");

Updating a Project

This example will change the enabled-status of the project from true to false by looking up the domain and updating it. The example also shows the fluent nature of the API and how easy you can go to and from a mutable state via builder

Project project = os.identity().projects().get("projectId");
if (project != null)
  project = os.identity().projects().update(project.toBuilder().enabled(false).build());

Deleting a Project

This example will delete the Project we have been working with



The examples below will show basic User operations

Creating a User

User user = os.identity().users().create(Builders.user()
                                            .description("A new user.")

Querying for Users

Find all Users

List<? extends User> userList = os.identity().users().list();

Find a specific User

//Find by ID
User user = os.identity().users().get("userId");

//Find by name and domain
User user = os.identity().users().getByName("userName", "userDomainId");

// Find user by name across all domains
List<? extends Users> userList = os.identity().users().getByName("userName");

List Roles for User

//In a Domain
List<? extends Role> domainUserRolesList = os.identity().users().listDomainUserRoles("userId", "domainId");

//In a Project
List<? extends Role> projectUserRolesList = os.identity().users().listProjectUserRoles("userId", "projectId");

List Groups for User

List<? extends Group> userGroupsList = os.identity().users().listUserGroups("userId");

Updating a User

This example will change the email of the user Foobar from to by looking up the user and updating it. The example also shows the fluent nature of the API and how easy you can go to and from a mutable state via builder

User user = os.identity().users().get("userId");
if (user != null)
  user = os.identity().users().update(user.toBuilder().email("").build());

Deleting a User

This example will delete the User Foobar we have been working with



The examples below will show basic Group operations

Creating a Group

Group group = os.identity().groups().create(
                                                .description("A new group.")

Querying for Groups

Find all Groups

List<? extends Group> groupList = os.identity().groups().list();

Find a specific Group

//Find by ID
Group group = os.identity().groups().get("groupId");

//Find by Name
List<? extends Group> groupList = os.identity().groups().getByName("groupName")

List the Users in a Group

List<? extends User> userGroupList = os.identity().groups().listGroupUsers("groupId");	

Group management

// Add user to group
os.identity().groups().addUserToGroup("groupId", "userId");

// Check if a user is a member of a group
os.identity().groups().checkGroupUser("groupId", "userId");

// Remove user from group
os.identity().groups().removeUserFromGroup("groupId", "userId");

Updating a Group

This example will change the description of the group from A new group. to admin-group by looking up the group and updating it. The example also shows the fluent nature of the API and how easy you can go to and from a mutable state via builder

Group group = os.identity().groups().get("groupId");
if (group != null)
  group = os.identity().groups().update(group.toBuilder().description("admin-group").build());

Deleting a Group

This example will delete the Group myGroup we have been working with


Role Management

The examples below will show basic Role and role management operations

Creating a Role

Role role = os.identity().roles().create(Builders.role()

Querying for Roles

Find all Roles

List<? extends Role> roleList = os.identity().roles().list();

Find a specific Role

//Find by ID
Role role = os.identity().roles().get("roleId");

//Find by Name
List<? extends Role> roleList = os.identity().roles().getByName("roleName")

Role assignments

This example will show how to grant and revoke roles to/from a user and group in both project and domain contexts.

To a User

//Grant a role to a user in a project
ActionResponse grantProjectRole = os.identity().roles().grantProjectUserRole("projectId", "userId", "roleId");

//Check if a user has a specific role in a project
ActionResponse checkProjectRole = os.identity().roles().checkProjectUserRole("projectId", "userId", "roleId");

//Revoke a role from a user in a project
ActionResponse revokeProjectRole = os.identity().roles().revokeProjectUserRole("projectId", "userId", "roleId");

//Grant a role to a user in a domain
ActionResponse grantDomainRole = os.identity().roles().grantDomainUserRole("domainId", "userId", "roleId");

//Check if a user has a specific role in a domain
ActionResponse checkDomainRole = os.identity().roles().checkDomainUserRole("domainId", "userId", "roleId");

//Revoke a role from a user in a domain
ActionResponse revokeDomainRole = os.identity().roles().revokeDomainUserRole("domainId", "userId", "roleId");

To a Group

//Grant a role to a group in a project
ActionResponse grantProjectRole = os.identity().roles().grantProjectGroupRole("projectId", "groupId", "roleId");

//Check if a group has a specific role in a project
ActionResponse checkProjectRole = os.identity().roles().checkProjectGroupRole("projectId", "groupId", "roleId");

//Revoke a role from a group in a project
ActionResponse revokeProjectRole = os.identity().roles().revokeProjectGroupRole("projectId", "groupId", "roleId");

//Grant a role to a group in a domain
ActionResponse grantDomainRole = os.identity().roles().grantDomainGroupRole("domainId", "groupId", "roleId");

//Check if a group has a specific role in a domain
ActionResponse checkDomainRole = os.identity().roles().checkDomainGroupRole("domainId", "groupId", "roleId");

//Revoke a role from a group in a domain
ActionResponse revokeDomainRole = os.identity().roles().revokeDomainGroupRole("domainId", "groupId", "roleId");

Updating a Role

This example will change the name of the role from developer to admin-role by looking up the role and updating it. The example also shows the fluent nature of the API and how easy you can go to and from a mutable state via builder

Role role = os.identity().roles().get("roleId");
if (role != null)
  role = os.identity().roles().update(role.toBuilder().name("admin-role").build());

Deleting a Role

This example will delete the Role we have been working with



The examples below will show basic Policy operations

Creating a Policy

Policy policy = os.identity().policies().create(Builders.policy()
                                                    .blob("{'foobar' : 'role:admin-user'}")

Querying for Policies

Find all Policies

List<? extends Policy> policyList = os.identity().policies().list();

Find a specific Policy

//Find by ID
Policy policy_byId = os.identity().policies().get("policyId");

Updating a Policy

This example will change the blob of the policy from {'foobar': 'role:admin-user'} to {'foobar': 'role:demo-user'} by looking up the policy and updating it. The example also shows the fluent nature of the API and how easy you can go to and from a mutable state via builder

Policy policy = os.identity().policies().get("policyId");
if (policy != null)
  policy = os.identity().policies().update(policy.toBuilder().blob("{'foobar': 'role:demo-user'}").build());

Deleting a Policy

This example will delete the Policy we have been working with


Services and Endpoints

The examples below will show basic Services & Endpoints operations

Creating a Service

Service service = os.identity().serviceEndpoints().create(Builders.service()
                                                            .description("A new service.")

Querying for Services

Find all Services

List<? extends Service> serviceList = os.identity().serviceEndpoints().list();

Find a specific Service

//Find by ID
Service service = os.identity().serviceEndpoints().get("serviceId");	

Updating a Service

This example will change the description of the service from "A new service." to "Identity V3 Service" by looking up the service and updating it. The example also shows the fluent nature of the API and how easy you can go to and from a mutable state via builder.

Service service = os.identity().services().get("serviceId");
if (service != null)
  service = os.identity().services().update(service.toBuilder().description("Identity V3 Service").build());

Deleting a Service

This example will delete the Service we have been working with


Creating a Endpoint for a Service

This example will create a Endpoint for a Service specified by its identifier.

Endpoint endpoint = os.identity().serviceEndpoints().createEndpoint(Builders.endpoint()
                                                                        .url(new URL( "http", "devstack.openstack.stack", 5000, "/v3"))

Querying for Endpoints

Find all available Endpoints

List<? extends Endpoint> endpointList = os.identity().serviceEndpoints().listEndpoints()

Find a specific Endpoint

Endpoint endpoint = os.identity().serviceEndpoints().getEndpoint("endpointId")

Updating a Endpoint

This example will change the url of the endpoint from http://devstack.openstack.stack:5000/v3 to http://openstack.stack:5000/v3 by looking up the endpoint and updating it. The example also shows the fluent nature of the API and how easy you can go to and from a mutable state via builder

Endpoint endpoint = os.identity().services().getEndpoint("endpointId");
if (endpoint != null)
  endpoint = os.identity().services().updateEndpoint(endpoint.toBuilder().url(new URL( "http", "openstack.stack", 5000, "/v3")).build()); 

Deleting a Endpoint



The examples below will show basic Credential operations

Creating a Credential

Credential credential = os.identity().credentials().create(Builders.credential()

Querying for Credentials

Find all Credentials

List<? extends Credential> credentialList = os.identity().credentials().list();

Find a specific Credential

//Find by ID
Credential credential = os.identity().credentials().get("credentialId");

Updating a Credential

This example will change the BLOB of the Credential from {\"access\":\"181920\",\"secret\":\"secretKey\"} to {\"access\":\"181920\",\"secret\":\"updatedSecretKey\"} by looking up the credential and updating it. The example also shows the fluent nature of the API and how easy you can go to and from a mutable state via builder

Credential credential = os.identity().credentials().get("credential id");
if (credential != null)
    credential = os.identity().credentials().update(credential.toBuilder()

Deleting a Credential

This example will delete the Credential we have been working with



Tokens are obtained during authentication. Please refer to the authentication guide.

Validating another Token

// validate and show details for another token
Token token = os.identity().tokens().get("USER_TOKEN_ID")

// validate another token
ActionResponse validateToken = os.identity().tokens().check("USER_TOKEN_ID") 

Get service catalog for another Token

// get service catalog for 
List<? extends Service> serviceCatalog = os.identity().tokens().getServiceCatalog("USER_TOKEN_ID");

Get available scopes for another Token

// get available project scopes
List<? extends Project> availableProjectScopes = os.identity().tokens().getProjectScopes("USER_TOKEN_ID");

// get available domain scopes
List<? extends Domain> availableDomainScopes = os.identity().tokens().getDomainScopes("USER_TOKEN_ID");

Deleting another Token

ActionResponse deleteToken = os.identity().tokens().delete("USER_TOKEN_ID")