Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
ToscaTemplatesArtifactService.delete(String artifactId)
Delete specific artifact
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
ContainerService.delete(String containerId)
Delete the specified container by ID
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
ServerService.action(String serverId,
Action action)
Executes the specified Action such as RESUME, PAUSE, START, STOP ...
ActionResponse |
ComputeFloatingIPService.addFloatingIP(Server server,
String ipAddress)
Adds floating-ip to server.
ActionResponse |
ComputeFloatingIPService.addFloatingIP(Server server,
String fixedIpAddress,
String ipAddress)
Adds floating-ip to server.
ActionResponse |
ComputeFloatingIPService.addFloatingIP(String serverId,
String ipAddress)
Adds floating-ip to server.
ActionResponse |
ComputeFloatingIPService.addFloatingIP(String serverId,
String fixedIpAddress,
String ipAddress)
Adds floating-ip to server.
ActionResponse |
ServerService.addSecurityGroup(String serverId,
String secGroupName)
Associates the specified Server Group by name to the Server by it's identifier
ActionResponse |
ServerTagService.addSingle(String serverId,
String tag) |
ActionResponse |
ServerService.backupServer(String serverId,
BackupOptions options)
Sets up a new backup schedule service for the given
serverId |
ActionResponse |
ServerService.changeAdminPassword(String serverId,
String adminPassword)
Changes the admin/root password on the server
ActionResponse |
ServerTagService.check(String serverId,
String tag) |
ActionResponse |
ServerService.confirmResize(String serverId)
Confirm that the resize worked, thus removing the original server
ActionResponse |
ComputeFloatingIPService.deallocateIP(String id)
Deallocate ip address from tenant.
ActionResponse |
ServerService.delete(String serverId)
Delete (i.e shut down and delete the image) of the server
ActionResponse |
ServerGroupService.delete(String id)
Deletes the serverGroup by id
ActionResponse |
KeypairService.delete(String name)
Deletes the keypair by name
ActionResponse |
HostAggregateService.delete(String aggregateId)
Delete of the aggregate
ActionResponse |
FlavorService.delete(String flavorId)
Deletes a Flavor by it's identifier
ActionResponse |
ComputeSecurityGroupService.delete(String securityGroupId)
Deletes the specified Security Group
ActionResponse |
ComputeImageService.delete(String imageId)
Deletes an Image based on it's identifiers.
ActionResponse |
ServerTagService.delete(String serverId,
String tag) |
ActionResponse |
ServerTagService.deleteAll(String serverId) |
ActionResponse |
ComputeImageService.deleteMetaData(String imageId,
String... keys)
Delete a metadata item from an image
ActionResponse |
ServerService.deleteMetadataItem(String serverId,
String key)
Removes the specified metadata item via the specified
key and serverId |
ActionResponse |
ComputeSecurityGroupService.deleteRule(String ruleId)
Deletes a Security Group Rule
ActionResponse |
ServerService.detachVolume(String serverId,
String attachmentId)
detach the volume to the given server
ActionResponse |
ServerService.liveMigrate(String serverId,
LiveMigrateOptions options)
Live-migrates a server identified with
serverId to a new host without rebooting |
ActionResponse |
ServerService.migrateServer(String serverId)
Only user with admin role can do this.
ActionResponse |
ServerService.reboot(String serverId,
RebootType type)
Reboot a server by SOFT (software-level) or HARD (hardware power cycle)
ActionResponse |
ServerService.rebuild(String serverId,
RebuildOptions options)
Rebuilds the specified server
ActionResponse |
ComputeFloatingIPService.removeFloatingIP(Server server,
String ipAddress)
Remove floating-ip from server
ActionResponse |
ComputeFloatingIPService.removeFloatingIP(String serverId,
String ipAddress)
Remove floating-ip from server
ActionResponse |
ServerService.removeSecurityGroup(String serverId,
String secGroupName)
Removes the specified Server Group by name from the Server by it's identifier
ActionResponse |
ServerService.resetState(String serverId,
Server.Status state)
Resets the state of a server to a specified
state |
ActionResponse |
ServerService.resize(String serverId,
String flavorId)
Resize a server's resources.
ActionResponse |
ServerService.revertResize(String serverId)
Revert a previous resize, switching back to the old server
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
FloatingIPDNSDomainService.delete(String domainName)
Delete the specified
domainName |
ActionResponse |
FloatingIPDNSEntryService.delete(String domain,
String name)
Deletes a specified DNS entry
ActionResponse |
InterfaceService.detach(String serverId,
String attachmentId)
Detaches a specified port interface
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
ZoneService.delete(String zoneId)
delete a zone by id
ActionResponse |
RecordsetService.delete(String zoneId,
String recordsetId)
delete a recordset within a zone
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
PolicyTargetService.delete(String id)
Delete of the policy target
ActionResponse |
PolicyRuleSetService.delete(String id)
Delete of the policy rule set
ActionResponse |
PolicyRuleService.delete(String id)
Delete of the policy rule
ActionResponse |
PolicyClassifierService.delete(String id)
Delete of the policy classifier
ActionResponse |
PolicyActionService.delete(String id)
Delete of the policy action
ActionResponse |
NetworkPolicyService.delete(String id)
Delete a gbp network service policy specified by id
ActionResponse |
NatPoolService.delete(String id)
Delete of the nat pool
ActionResponse |
L3policyService.delete(String id)
Delete of the l3 policy
ActionResponse |
L2policyService.delete(String id)
Delete of the l2 policy
ActionResponse |
GroupService.delete(String id)
Delete of the policy target group
ActionResponse |
ExternalSegmentService.delete(String id)
Delete of the external segment
ActionResponse |
ExternalPolicyService.delete(String id)
Delete of the external policy
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
SoftwareConfigService.delete(String configId)
Deletes a Software Config by ID
ActionResponse |
StackService.delete(String stackName,
String stackId)
Deletes the specified
Stack from the server. |
ActionResponse |
ResourcesService.markUnhealthy(String stackName,
String stackId,
String resourceName,
ResourceHealth resourceHealth)
Marks a resource unhealthy
ActionResponse |
ResourcesService.signal(String stackName,
String stackId,
String resourceName)
Signals a resource
ActionResponse |
StackService.update(String stackName,
String stackId,
StackUpdate stackUpdate)
Updates an existing Stack
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
RoleService.addUserRole(String userId,
String roleId)
Adds a global role to a user
ActionResponse |
RoleService.addUserRole(String tenantId,
String userId,
String roleId)
Adds a tenant based role to a user
ActionResponse |
UserService.changePassword(String userId,
String password)
Changes a password for the specified user by ID
ActionResponse |
UserService.delete(String userId)
Deletes a user by ID
ActionResponse |
TenantService.delete(String tenantId)
Deletes the specified tenant by ID
ActionResponse |
ServiceManagerService.delete(String serviceId)
Deletes a Service based on it's id
ActionResponse |
RoleService.delete(String roleId)
Delete a role by it's ID
ActionResponse |
ServiceManagerService.deleteEndpoint(String endpointId)
Deletes an Endpoint
ActionResponse |
RoleService.removeUserRole(String userId,
String roleId)
Removes a global role from a user
ActionResponse |
RoleService.removeUserRole(String tenantId,
String userId,
String roleId)
Removes the user role from a user and the associated tenant
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
GroupService.addUserToGroup(String groupId,
String userId)
adds an existing user to a group
ActionResponse |
UserService.changePassword(String userId,
String originalPassword,
String password)
change password for user.
ActionResponse |
TokenService.check(String tokenId)
Validates a token.
ActionResponse |
RoleService.checkDomainGroupRole(String domainId,
String groupId,
String roleId)
checks if a group has a specific role in a given domain
ActionResponse |
RoleService.checkDomainUserRole(String domainId,
String userId,
String roleId)
checks if a user has a specific role in a given domain-context
ActionResponse |
GroupService.checkGroupUser(String groupId,
String userId)
check whether a user belongs to a group
ActionResponse |
RoleService.checkProjectGroupRole(String projectId,
String groupId,
String roleId)
check if a group has a specific role in a given project
ActionResponse |
RoleService.checkProjectUserRole(String projectId,
String userId,
String roleId)
checks if a user has a specific role in a given project-context
ActionResponse |
UserService.delete(String userId)
delete a user by id
ActionResponse |
TokenService.delete(String tokenId)
Revokes a token.
ActionResponse |
ServiceEndpointService.delete(String serviceId)
Delete a service
ActionResponse |
RoleService.delete(String roleId)
Delete a role
ActionResponse |
RegionService.delete(String regionId)
Delete a region specified by id
ActionResponse |
ProjectService.delete(String projectId)
delete a project by id
ActionResponse |
PolicyService.delete(String policyId)
Delete a policy
ActionResponse |
GroupService.delete(String groupId)
delete a group by id
ActionResponse |
DomainService.delete(String domainId)
Deletes a domain by id
ActionResponse |
CredentialService.delete(String credentialId)
Delete credential
ActionResponse |
ServiceEndpointService.deleteEndpoint(String endpointId)
Delete an Endpoint
ActionResponse |
RoleService.grantDomainGroupRole(String domainId,
String groupId,
String roleId)
grant a role to a specified group in domain context
ActionResponse |
RoleService.grantDomainUserRole(String domainId,
String userId,
String roleId)
grants a role to a specified user in domain context
ActionResponse |
RoleService.grantProjectGroupRole(String projectId,
String groupId,
String roleId)
grants a role to a specified group in project context
ActionResponse |
RoleService.grantProjectUserRole(String projectId,
String userId,
String roleId)
grants a role to a specified user in project context
ActionResponse |
GroupService.removeUserFromGroup(String groupId,
String userId)
removes a user from a group
ActionResponse |
RoleService.revokeDomainGroupRole(String domainId,
String groupId,
String roleId)
revoke a role from a specified group in domain context
ActionResponse |
RoleService.revokeDomainUserRole(String domainId,
String userId,
String roleId)
revokes a role to a specified user in domain context
ActionResponse |
RoleService.revokeProjectGroupRole(String projectId,
String groupId,
String roleId)
revokes a role from a specified group in project context
ActionResponse |
RoleService.revokeProjectUserRole(String projectId,
String userId,
String roleId)
revokes a role to a specified user in project context
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
ImageService.delete(String imageId)
Deletes an Image by ID
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
ImageService.deactivate(String imageId)
Deactivate an image
If you try to download a deactivated image, you will receive a 403 (Forbidden) response code.
ActionResponse |
ImageService.delete(String imageId)
Deletes an image.
ActionResponse |
ImageService.deleteMember(String imageId,
String memberId)
You must be the owner of the image to delete the member
ActionResponse |
ImageService.deleteTag(String imageId,
String tag)
Delete tag from image.
ActionResponse | imageId,
File filename)
Downloads binary image data
ActionResponse |
ImageService.reactivate(String imageId)
Reactivate an image
ActionResponse |
ImageService.updateTag(String imageId,
String tag)
Add tag to image.
ActionResponse |
ImageService.upload(String imageId,
Payload<?> payload,
Image image)
Uploads binary image data
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
MagnumService.deleteBay(String id)
Deletes a bay
ActionResponse |
MagnumService.deleteBaymodel(String id)
Deletes a baymodel
ActionResponse |
MagnumService.deleteCluster(String id)
Delete a cluster.
ActionResponse |
MagnumService.deleteClustertemplate(String id)
Delete a cluster template
ActionResponse |
MagnumService.deleteContainer(String uuid)
Deletes a Container
ActionResponse |
MagnumService.deletePod(String bayUuid,
String id)
Delete a pod
ActionResponse |
MagnumService.rotateCertificate(String uuid)
Rotate the CA certificate for a bay/cluster and
invalidate all user certificates.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
ShareTypeService.addShareTypeAccess(String shareTypeId,
String projectId)
Adds share type access for a project.
ActionResponse |
ShareTypeService.delete(String shareTypeId)
Deletes a share type.
ActionResponse |
SharesService.delete(String shareId)
Deletes a share.
ActionResponse |
ShareSnapshotService.delete(String snapshotId)
Deletes a share snapshot.
ActionResponse |
ShareServerService.delete(String shareServerId)
Deletes a share server.
ActionResponse |
ShareNetworkService.delete(String shareNetworkId)
Deletes a share network.
ActionResponse |
SecurityServiceService.delete(String securityServiceId)
Deletes a security service.
ActionResponse |
QuotaSetService.delete(String tenantId)
Deletes quotas for a tenant.
ActionResponse |
SharesService.delete(String shareId,
String consistencyGroupId)
Deletes a share.
ActionResponse |
QuotaSetService.delete(String tenantId,
String userId)
Deletes quotas for a user in a tenant.
ActionResponse |
SharesService.extend(String shareId,
int newSize)
Increases the size of a share.
ActionResponse |
SharesService.forceDelete(String shareId)
Administrators only.
ActionResponse |
ShareSnapshotService.forceDelete(String snapshotId)
Administrator only.
ActionResponse |
ShareInstanceService.forceDelete(String shareInstanceId)
Administrator only.
ActionResponse |
ShareTypeService.removeShareTypeAccess(String shareTypeId,
String projectId)
Removes share type access from a project.
ActionResponse |
SharesService.resetState(String shareId,
Share.Status status)
Administrators only.
ActionResponse |
ShareInstanceService.resetState(String shareInstanceId,
ShareInstance.Status status)
Administrator only.
ActionResponse |
ShareSnapshotService.resetState(String snapshotId,
ShareSnapshot.Status status)
Administrator only.
ActionResponse |
SharesService.revokeAccess(String shareId,
String accessId)
Revokes access from a share.
ActionResponse |
SharesService.shrink(String shareId,
int newSize)
Shrinks the size of a share.
ActionResponse |
ShareService.unmanageShare(String shareId)
Configures Shared File Systems to stop managing a share.
ActionResponse |
ShareTypeService.unsetExtraSpec(String shareTypeId,
String extraSpecKey)
Unsets an extra specification for the share type.
ActionResponse |
SharesService.unsetMetadata(String shareId,
String metadataKey)
Unsets the metadata on a share.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
MuranoEnvironmentService.delete(String id)
Deletes the specified environment
ActionResponse |
MuranoSessionService.delete(String environmentId,
String sessionId)
Deletes a configuration session.
ActionResponse |
MuranoApplicationService.delete(String environmentId,
String path,
String sessionId)
Deletes the specified service
ActionResponse |
MuranoSessionService.deploy(String environmentId,
String sessionId)
Sends signal to deploy to OpenStack.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
SubnetService.delete(String subnetId)
Delete a Subnet by ID
ActionResponse |
SecurityGroupService.delete(String id)
Deletes SecurityGroup by id.
ActionResponse |
RouterService.delete(String routerId)
Deletes the specified Router by ID
ActionResponse |
PortService.delete(String portId)
Delete a Port by ID
ActionResponse |
NetworkService.delete(String networkId)
Deletes a specified network and its associated resources
ActionResponse |
NetFloatingIPService.delete(String id)
Deletes NetFloatingIP by id.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
VipService.delete(String vipId)
Delete the specified vip by ID
ActionResponse |
MemberService.delete(String memberId)
Delete the specified member by ID
ActionResponse |
LoadBalancerV2Service.delete(String loadbalancerId)
Delete the specified loadbalancer by ID
ActionResponse |
ListenerV2Service.delete(String listenerId)
Delete the specified listener by ID
ActionResponse |
LbPoolV2Service.delete(String lbPoolId)
Delete the specified lb Pool by ID
ActionResponse |
LbPoolService.delete(String lbPoolId)
Delete the specified lb Pool by ID
ActionResponse |
HealthMonitorV2Service.delete(String healthMonitorId)
Delete the specified healthMonitor by ID
ActionResponse |
HealthMonitorService.delete(String healthMonitorId)
Delete the specified healthMonitor by ID
ActionResponse |
FirewallService.delete(String firewallId)
Delete the specified Firewall by ID
ActionResponse |
FirewallRuleService.delete(String firewallRuleId)
Delete the specified FirewallRule by ID
ActionResponse |
FirewallPolicyService.delete(String firewallPolicyId)
Delete the specified FirewallPolicy by ID
ActionResponse |
LbPoolV2Service.deleteMember(String lbPoolId,
String memberId)
Delete the specified member by ID
ActionResponse |
LbPoolService.disAssociateHealthMonitor(String lbPoolId,
String healthMonitorId)
Disassociates a specified health monitor from a pool.
ActionResponse |
Resets the current network quota for the current tenant back to defaults
ActionResponse |
NetQuotaService.reset(String tenantId)
Resets the current network quota for the current tenant back to defaults
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
NodeGroupTemplateService.delete(String templateId)
Delete the specified node group template
ActionResponse |
JobService.delete(String JobId)
Delete the specified job
ActionResponse |
JobExecutionService.delete(String jobExecutionId)
Delete a job execution by ID
ActionResponse |
JobBinaryService.delete(String JobBinaryId)
Delete the specified job binary
ActionResponse |
JobBinaryInternalService.delete(String jobBinaryInternalId)
Delete the specified job binary internal
ActionResponse |
DataSourceService.delete(String datasourceId)
Delete the specified data source
ActionResponse |
ClusterTemplateService.delete(String templateId)
Delete the specified cluster template
ActionResponse |
ClusterService.delete(String clusterId)
Delete the specified cluster
ActionResponse |
SaharaImageService.unregister(String imageId)
Unregister the specified image from Sahara image registry
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
SenlinReceiverService.delete(String receiverID)
Deletes the specified
Receiver from the server. |
ActionResponse |
SenlinProfileService.delete(String profileID)
Deletes the specified
ActionResponse from the server. |
ActionResponse |
SenlinPolicyService.delete(String policyID)
Deletes the specified
Policy from the server. |
ActionResponse |
SenlinNodeService.delete(String nodeID)
Deletes the specified
Node from the server. |
ActionResponse |
SenlinClusterService.delete(String clusterID)
Deletes the specified
Cluster from the server. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
ObjectStorageContainerService.create(String name)
Creates a new container with the specified
name |
ActionResponse |
ObjectStorageContainerService.create(String name,
CreateUpdateContainerOptions options)
Creates a new container with the specified
name with options |
ActionResponse |
ObjectStorageObjectService.delete(ObjectLocation location)
Deletes an Object from the specified container
ActionResponse |
ObjectStorageObjectService.delete(ObjectLocation location,
ObjectDeleteOptions options)
Deletes an Object from the specified container
ActionResponse |
ObjectStorageContainerService.delete(String name)
Deletes an empty container with the specified
name |
ActionResponse |
BlockVolumeTransferService.delete(String transferId)
Deletes a specific transfer
ActionResponse |
BlockVolumeSnapshotService.delete(String snapshotId)
Deletes a specified snapshot
ActionResponse |
BlockVolumeService.delete(String volumeId)
Deletes the specified volume
ActionResponse |
BlockVolumeBackupService.delete(String backupId)
Delete a specified volume backup
ActionResponse |
BlockQuotaSetService.delete(String tenantId)
Deletes quotas for a tenant so the quotas revert to default values
ActionResponse |
ObjectStorageObjectService.delete(String containerName,
String name)
Deletes an Object from the specified container
ActionResponse |
BlockVolumeService.extend(String volumeId,
Integer newSize)
Extends the specified volume size.
ActionResponse |
BlockVolumeService.forceDelete(String volumeId)
Attempt forced removal of volume, regardless of the state.
ActionResponse |
BlockVolumeService.migrate(String volumeId,
String hostService,
boolean forceHostCopy)
migrate a volume to another host and service
ActionResponse |
BlockVolumeService.readOnlyModeUpdate(String volumeId,
boolean readonly)
Updates volume read-only access-mode flag
ActionResponse |
BlockVolumeService.resetState(String volumeId,
Volume.Status status)
Resets the specified volume status.
ActionResponse |
ObjectStorageContainerService.update(String name,
CreateUpdateContainerOptions options)
Updates a container with the specified
name with options |
ActionResponse |
BlockVolumeSnapshotService.update(String snapshotId,
String name,
String description)
Updates the Name and/or Description for the specified snapshot
ActionResponse |
BlockVolumeService.update(String volumeId,
String name,
String description)
OpenStack only allows name or description to be updated.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
VnfService.delete(String vnfId)
Delete Vnf - Deletes a specified VnfId from the VNF catalog.
ActionResponse |
VnfdService.delete(String vnfdId)
Delete vnfd - Deletes a specified vnfdId from the VNF catalog.
ActionResponse |
VimService.delete(String vimId)
Delete Vim - Deletes a specified vimId from the VIM catalog.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
AlarmService.delete(String id)
Delete a specified alarm
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
DatabaseService.create(String id,
TroveDatabase.Databases databases)
Create a new database
ActionResponse |
UserService.create(String instanceId,
TroveDatabaseUser.DatabaseUsers databaseUsers)
Create a user for the database instance
ActionResponse |
InstanceService.delete(String id) |
ActionResponse |
UserService.delete(String instanceId,
String userName)
Deletes a user for the database instance
ActionResponse |
DatabaseService.delete(String instanceId,
String name)
Deletes the database
ActionResponse |
UserService.grantUserDBAccess(String instanceId,
String userName,
TroveDatabase.Databases databases)
Grant user access to a database on the database instance
ActionResponse |
UserService.revokeUserDBAccess(String instanceId,
String userName,
String dbName)
Revoke user access to a database on the database instance
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
ResponseToActionResponse.apply(HttpResponse response) |
ActionResponse |
ResponseToActionResponse.apply(HttpResponse response,
boolean returnNullIfNotMapped) |
ActionResponse |
ParseActionResponseFromJsonMap.apply(Map<String,Object> map)
Parses the JSON Map for an Error message.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ActionResponse |
ActionResponse.actionFailed(String message,
int code) |
static ActionResponse |
ActionResponse.actionSuccess() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
ToscaTemplatesArtifactServiceImpl.delete(String artifactId) |
protected ActionResponse |
BaseArtifactServiceImpl.delete(String artifactId) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
ContainerServiceImpl.delete(String containerId)
Delete the specified container by ID
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
ToActionResponseFunction.apply(HttpResponse response) |
ActionResponse |
ToActionResponseFunction.apply(HttpResponse response,
String action) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
ServerServiceImpl.action(String serverId,
Action action)
Executes the specified Action such as RESUME, PAUSE, START, STOP ...
ActionResponse |
ComputeFloatingIPServiceImpl.addFloatingIP(Server server,
String ipAddress)
Adds floating-ip to server.
ActionResponse |
ComputeFloatingIPServiceImpl.addFloatingIP(Server server,
String fixedIpAddress,
String ipAddress)
Adds floating-ip to server.
ActionResponse |
ComputeFloatingIPServiceImpl.addFloatingIP(String serverId,
String ipAddress)
Adds floating-ip to server.
ActionResponse |
ComputeFloatingIPServiceImpl.addFloatingIP(String serverId,
String fixedIpAddress,
String ipAddress)
Adds floating-ip to server.
ActionResponse |
ServerServiceImpl.addSecurityGroup(String serverId,
String secGroupName)
Associates the specified Server Group by name to the Server by it's identifier
ActionResponse |
ServerTagServiceImpl.addSingle(String serverId,
String tag) |
ActionResponse |
ServerServiceImpl.backupServer(String serverId,
BackupOptions options)
#invokeAction(String, String) |
ActionResponse |
ServerServiceImpl.changeAdminPassword(String serverId,
String adminPassword)
Changes the admin/root password on the server
ActionResponse |
ServerTagServiceImpl.check(String serverId,
String tag) |
ActionResponse |
ServerServiceImpl.confirmResize(String serverId)
Confirm that the resize worked, thus removing the original server
ActionResponse |
ComputeFloatingIPServiceImpl.deallocateIP(String id)
Deallocate ip address from tenant.
ActionResponse |
ServerServiceImpl.delete(String serverId)
Delete (i.e shut down and delete the image) of the server
ActionResponse |
ServerGroupServiceImpl.delete(String id) |
ActionResponse |
KeypairServiceImpl.delete(String name)
Deletes the keypair by name
ActionResponse |
HostAggregateServiceImpl.delete(String aggregateId)
Delete of the aggregate
ActionResponse |
FlavorServiceImpl.delete(String flavorId)
Deletes a Flavor by it's identifier
ActionResponse |
ComputeSecurityGroupServiceImpl.delete(String securityGroupId)
Deletes the specified Security Group
ActionResponse |
ComputeImageServiceImpl.delete(String imageId)
Deletes an Image based on it's identifiers.
ActionResponse |
ServerTagServiceImpl.delete(String serverId,
String tag) |
ActionResponse |
ServerTagServiceImpl.deleteAll(String serverId) |
ActionResponse |
ComputeImageServiceImpl.deleteMetaData(String imageId,
String... keys)
Delete a metadata item from an image
ActionResponse |
ServerServiceImpl.deleteMetadataItem(String serverId,
String key)
Removes the specified metadata item via the specified
key and serverId |
ActionResponse |
ComputeSecurityGroupServiceImpl.deleteRule(String ruleId)
Deletes a Security Group Rule
ActionResponse |
ServerServiceImpl.detachVolume(String serverId,
String attachmentId)
detach the volume to the given server
protected ActionResponse |
BaseComputeServices.invokeAction(String serverId,
ServerAction action) |
ActionResponse |
ServerServiceImpl.liveMigrate(String serverId,
LiveMigrateOptions options)
Live-migrates a server identified with
serverId to a new host without rebooting |
ActionResponse |
ServerServiceImpl.migrateServer(String serverId)
Only user with admin role can do this.
ActionResponse |
ServerServiceImpl.reboot(String serverId,
RebootType type)
Reboot a server by SOFT (software-level) or HARD (hardware power cycle)
ActionResponse |
ServerServiceImpl.rebuild(String serverId,
RebuildOptions options)
Rebuilds the specified server
ActionResponse |
ComputeFloatingIPServiceImpl.removeFloatingIP(Server server,
String ipAddress)
Remove floating-ip from server
ActionResponse |
ComputeFloatingIPServiceImpl.removeFloatingIP(String serverId,
String ipAddress)
Remove floating-ip from server
ActionResponse |
ServerServiceImpl.removeSecurityGroup(String serverId,
String secGroupName)
Removes the specified Server Group by name from the Server by it's identifier
ActionResponse |
ServerServiceImpl.resetState(String serverId,
Server.Status state)
Resets the state of a server to a specified
state |
ActionResponse |
ServerServiceImpl.resize(String serverId,
String flavorId)
Resize a server's resources.
ActionResponse |
ServerServiceImpl.revertResize(String serverId)
Revert a previous resize, switching back to the old server
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
FloatingIPDNSDomainServiceImpl.delete(String domainName) |
ActionResponse |
FloatingIPDNSEntryServiceImpl.delete(String domain,
String name) |
ActionResponse |
InterfaceServiceImpl.detach(String serverId,
String attachmentId) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
ZoneServiceImpl.delete(String zoneId) |
ActionResponse |
RecordsetServiceImpl.delete(String zoneId,
String recordsetId) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
PolicyTargetServiceImpl.delete(String id)
Delete of the policy target
ActionResponse |
PolicyRuleSetServiceImpl.delete(String id)
Delete of the policy rule set
ActionResponse |
PolicyRuleServiceImpl.delete(String id)
Delete of the policy rule
ActionResponse |
PolicyClassifierServiceImpl.delete(String id)
Delete of the policy classifier
ActionResponse |
PolicyActionServiceImpl.delete(String id)
Delete of the policy action
ActionResponse |
NetworkPolicyServiceImpl.delete(String id)
Delete a gbp network service policy specified by id
ActionResponse |
NatPoolServiceImpl.delete(String id)
Delete of the nat pool
ActionResponse |
L3policyServiceImpl.delete(String id)
Delete of the l3 policy
ActionResponse |
L2policyServiceImpl.delete(String id)
Delete of the l2 policy
ActionResponse |
GroupServiceImpl.delete(String id)
Delete of the policy target group
ActionResponse |
ExternalSegmentServiceImpl.delete(String id)
Delete of the external segment
ActionResponse |
ExternalPolicyServiceImpl.delete(String id)
Delete of the external policy
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
SoftwareConfigServiceImpl.delete(String configId)
Deletes a Software Config by ID
ActionResponse |
StackServiceImpl.delete(String stackName,
String stackId) |
ActionResponse |
ResourcesServiceImpl.markUnhealthy(String stackName,
String stackId,
String resourceName,
ResourceHealth resourceHealth) |
ActionResponse |
ResourcesServiceImpl.signal(String stackName,
String stackId,
String resourceName) |
ActionResponse |
StackServiceImpl.update(String stackName,
String stackId,
StackUpdate stackUpdate) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
RoleServiceImpl.addUserRole(String userId,
String roleId)
Adds a global role to a user
ActionResponse |
RoleServiceImpl.addUserRole(String tenantId,
String userId,
String roleId)
Adds a tenant based role to a user
ActionResponse |
UserServiceImpl.changePassword(String userId,
String password) |
ActionResponse |
UserServiceImpl.delete(String userId) |
ActionResponse |
TenantServiceImpl.delete(String tenantId) |
ActionResponse |
ServiceManagerServiceImpl.delete(String serviceId)
Deletes a Service based on it's id
ActionResponse |
RoleServiceImpl.delete(String roleId)
Delete a role by it's ID
ActionResponse |
ServiceManagerServiceImpl.deleteEndpoint(String endpointId)
Deletes an Endpoint
ActionResponse |
RoleServiceImpl.removeUserRole(String userId,
String roleId)
Removes a global role from a user
ActionResponse |
RoleServiceImpl.removeUserRole(String tenantId,
String userId,
String roleId)
Removes the user role from a user and the associated tenant
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
GroupServiceImpl.addUserToGroup(String groupId,
String userId)
adds an existing user to a group
ActionResponse |
UserServiceImpl.changePassword(String userId,
String originalPassword,
String password)
change password for user.
ActionResponse |
TokenServiceImpl.check(String tokenId) |
ActionResponse |
RoleServiceImpl.checkDomainGroupRole(String domainId,
String groupId,
String roleId) |
ActionResponse |
RoleServiceImpl.checkDomainUserRole(String domainId,
String userId,
String roleId)
checks if a user has a specific role in a given domain-context
ActionResponse |
GroupServiceImpl.checkGroupUser(String groupId,
String userId) |
ActionResponse |
RoleServiceImpl.checkProjectGroupRole(String projectId,
String groupId,
String roleId) |
ActionResponse |
RoleServiceImpl.checkProjectUserRole(String projectId,
String userId,
String roleId)
checks if a user has a specific role in a given project-context
ActionResponse |
UserServiceImpl.delete(String userId)
delete a user by id
ActionResponse |
TokenServiceImpl.delete(String tokenId) |
ActionResponse |
ServiceEndpointServiceImpl.delete(String serviceId) |
ActionResponse |
RoleServiceImpl.delete(String roleId) |
ActionResponse |
RegionServiceImpl.delete(String regionId) |
ActionResponse |
ProjectServiceImpl.delete(String projectId) |
ActionResponse |
PolicyServiceImpl.delete(String policyId) |
ActionResponse |
GroupServiceImpl.delete(String groupId) |
ActionResponse |
DomainServiceImpl.delete(String domainId) |
ActionResponse |
CredentialServiceImpl.delete(String credentialId) |
ActionResponse |
ServiceEndpointServiceImpl.deleteEndpoint(String endpointId) |
ActionResponse |
RoleServiceImpl.grantDomainGroupRole(String domainId,
String groupId,
String roleId) |
ActionResponse |
RoleServiceImpl.grantDomainUserRole(String domainId,
String userId,
String roleId)
grants a role to a specified user in domain context
ActionResponse |
RoleServiceImpl.grantProjectGroupRole(String projectId,
String groupId,
String roleId) |
ActionResponse |
RoleServiceImpl.grantProjectUserRole(String projectId,
String userId,
String roleId)
grants a role to a specified user in project context
ActionResponse |
GroupServiceImpl.removeUserFromGroup(String groupId,
String userId)
removes a user from a group
ActionResponse |
RoleServiceImpl.revokeDomainGroupRole(String domainId,
String groupId,
String roleId) |
ActionResponse |
RoleServiceImpl.revokeDomainUserRole(String domainId,
String userId,
String roleId)
revokes a role to a specified user in domain context
ActionResponse |
RoleServiceImpl.revokeProjectGroupRole(String projectId,
String groupId,
String roleId) |
ActionResponse |
RoleServiceImpl.revokeProjectUserRole(String projectId,
String userId,
String roleId)
revokes a role to a specified user in project context
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
ImageServiceImpl.delete(String imageId)
Deletes an Image by ID
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
ImageServiceImpl.deactivate(String imageId)
Deactivate an image
If you try to download a deactivated image, you will receive a 403 (Forbidden) response code.
ActionResponse |
ImageServiceImpl.delete(String imageId)
Deletes an image.
ActionResponse |
ImageServiceImpl.deleteMember(String imageId,
String memberId)
You must be the owner of the image to delete the member
ActionResponse |
ImageServiceImpl.deleteTag(String imageId,
String tag)
Delete tag from image.
ActionResponse | imageId,
File filename)
Downloads binary image data
ActionResponse |
ImageServiceImpl.reactivate(String imageId)
Reactivate an image
ActionResponse |
ImageServiceImpl.updateTag(String imageId,
String tag)
Add tag to image.
ActionResponse |
ImageServiceImpl.upload(String imageId,
Payload<?> payload,
Image image)
Uploads binary image data
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected <R> BaseOpenStackService.Invocation<ActionResponse> |
MicroVersionedOpenStackService.deleteWithResponse(String... path) |
protected <R> BaseOpenStackService.Invocation<ActionResponse> |
BaseOpenStackService.deleteWithResponse(String... path) |
protected <R> BaseOpenStackService.Invocation<ActionResponse> |
BaseOpenStackService.patchWithResponse(String... path) |
protected <R> BaseOpenStackService.Invocation<ActionResponse> |
BaseOpenStackService.postWithResponse(String... path) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
MagnumServiceImpl.deleteBay(String id) |
ActionResponse |
MagnumServiceImpl.deleteBaymodel(String id) |
ActionResponse |
MagnumServiceImpl.deleteCluster(String id) |
ActionResponse |
MagnumServiceImpl.deleteClustertemplate(String id) |
ActionResponse |
MagnumServiceImpl.deleteContainer(String uuid) |
ActionResponse |
MagnumServiceImpl.deletePod(String bayUuid,
String id) |
ActionResponse |
MagnumServiceImpl.rotateCertificate(String uuid) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
ShareTypeServiceImpl.addShareTypeAccess(String shareTypeId,
String projectId)
Adds share type access for a project.
ActionResponse |
ShareTypeServiceImpl.delete(String shareTypeId)
Deletes a share type.
ActionResponse |
SharesServiceImpl.delete(String shareId)
Deletes a share.
ActionResponse |
ShareSnapshotServiceImpl.delete(String snapshotId) |
ActionResponse |
ShareServerServiceImpl.delete(String shareServerId) |
ActionResponse |
ShareNetworkServiceImpl.delete(String shareNetworkId)
Deletes a share network.
ActionResponse |
SecurityServiceServiceImpl.delete(String securityServiceId)
Deletes a security service.
ActionResponse |
QuotaSetServiceImpl.delete(String tenantId) |
ActionResponse |
SharesServiceImpl.delete(String shareId,
String consistencyGroupId) |
ActionResponse |
QuotaSetServiceImpl.delete(String tenantId,
String userId) |
ActionResponse |
SharesServiceImpl.extend(String shareId,
int newSize)
Increases the size of a share.
ActionResponse |
SharesServiceImpl.forceDelete(String shareId)
Administrators only.
ActionResponse |
ShareSnapshotServiceImpl.forceDelete(String snapshotId) |
ActionResponse |
ShareInstanceServiceImpl.forceDelete(String shareInstanceId) |
ActionResponse |
ShareTypeServiceImpl.removeShareTypeAccess(String shareTypeId,
String projectId)
Removes share type access from a project.
ActionResponse |
SharesServiceImpl.resetState(String shareId,
Share.Status status)
Administrators only.
ActionResponse |
ShareInstanceServiceImpl.resetState(String shareInstanceId,
ShareInstance.Status status) |
ActionResponse |
ShareSnapshotServiceImpl.resetState(String snapshotId,
ShareSnapshot.Status status) |
ActionResponse |
SharesServiceImpl.revokeAccess(String shareId,
String accessId)
Revokes access from a share.
ActionResponse |
SharesServiceImpl.shrink(String shareId,
int newSize)
Shrinks the size of a share.
ActionResponse |
ShareServiceImpl.unmanageShare(String shareId)
Configures Shared File Systems to stop managing a share.
ActionResponse |
ShareTypeServiceImpl.unsetExtraSpec(String shareTypeId,
String extraSpecKey)
Unsets an extra specification for the share type.
ActionResponse |
SharesServiceImpl.unsetMetadata(String shareId,
String metadataKey)
Unsets the metadata on a share.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
MuranoEnvironmentServiceImpl.delete(String id)
Deletes the specified environment
ActionResponse |
MuranoSessionServiceImpl.delete(String environmentId,
String sessionId)
Deletes a configuration session.
ActionResponse |
MuranoApplicationServiceImpl.delete(String environmentId,
String path,
String sessionId)
Deletes the specified service
ActionResponse |
MuranoSessionServiceImpl.deploy(String environmentId,
String sessionId)
Sends signal to deploy to OpenStack.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
SubnetServiceImpl.delete(String subnetId)
Delete a Subnet by ID
ActionResponse |
SecurityGroupServiceImpl.delete(String groupId)
Deletes SecurityGroup by id.
ActionResponse |
RouterServiceImpl.delete(String routerId)
Deletes the specified Router by ID
ActionResponse |
PortServiceImpl.delete(String portId)
Delete a Port by ID
ActionResponse |
NetworkServiceImpl.delete(String networkId)
Deletes a specified network and its associated resources
ActionResponse |
FloatingIPServiceImpl.delete(String id)
Deletes NetFloatingIP by id.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
VipServiceImpl.delete(String vipId)
Delete the specified vip by ID
ActionResponse |
MemberServiceImpl.delete(String memberId)
Delete the specified member by ID
ActionResponse |
LoadBalancerV2ServiceImpl.delete(String loadbalancerId)
Delete the specified loadbalancer by ID
ActionResponse |
ListenerV2ServiceImpl.delete(String listenerId)
Delete the specified listener by ID
ActionResponse |
LbPoolV2ServiceImpl.delete(String lbPoolId)
Delete the specified lb Pool by ID
ActionResponse |
LbPoolServiceImpl.delete(String lbPoolId)
Delete the specified lb Pool by ID
ActionResponse |
HealthMonitorV2ServiceImpl.delete(String healthMonitorId)
Delete the specified healthMonitor by ID
ActionResponse |
HealthMonitorServiceImpl.delete(String healthMonitorId)
Delete the specified healthMonitor by ID
ActionResponse |
FirewallServiceImpl.delete(String firewallId)
Delete the specified Firewall by ID
ActionResponse |
FirewallRuleServiceImpl.delete(String firewallRuleId)
Delete the specified FirewallRule by ID
ActionResponse |
FirewallPolicyServiceImpl.delete(String firewallPolicyId)
Delete the specified FirewallPolicy by ID
ActionResponse |
LbPoolV2ServiceImpl.deleteMember(String lbPoolId,
String memberId)
Delete the specified member by ID
ActionResponse |
LbPoolServiceImpl.disAssociateHealthMonitor(String lbPoolId,
String healthMonitorId)
Disassociates a specified health monitor from a pool.
ActionResponse |
NetQuotaServiceImpl.reset() |
ActionResponse |
NetQuotaServiceImpl.reset(String tenantId) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
NodeGroupTemplateServiceImpl.delete(String templateId)
Delete the specified node group template
ActionResponse |
JobServiceImpl.delete(String JobId)
Delete the specified job
ActionResponse |
JobExecutionServiceImpl.delete(String jobExecutionId) |
ActionResponse |
JobBinaryServiceImpl.delete(String JobBinaryId)
Delete the specified job binary
ActionResponse |
JobBinaryInternalServiceImpl.delete(String jobBinaryInternalId)
Delete the specified job binary internal
ActionResponse |
DataSourceServiceImpl.delete(String datasourceId)
Delete the specified data source
ActionResponse |
ClusterTemplateServiceImpl.delete(String templateId)
Delete the specified cluster template
ActionResponse |
ClusterServiceImpl.delete(String clusterId)
Delete the specified cluster
ActionResponse |
SaharaImageServiceImpl.unregister(String imageId)
Unregister the specified image from Sahara image registry
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
SenlinReceiverServiceImpl.delete(String policyID) |
ActionResponse |
SenlinProfileServiceImpl.delete(String policyID) |
ActionResponse |
SenlinPolicyServiceImpl.delete(String policyID) |
ActionResponse |
SenlinNodeServiceImpl.delete(String nodeID) |
ActionResponse |
SenlinClusterServiceImpl.delete(String clusterID) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
BlockVolumeTransferServiceImpl.delete(String transferId) |
ActionResponse |
BlockVolumeSnapshotServiceImpl.delete(String snapshotId)
Deletes a specified snapshot
ActionResponse |
BlockVolumeServiceImpl.delete(String volumeId)
Deletes the specified volume
ActionResponse |
BlockVolumeBackupServiceImpl.delete(String backupId)
Delete a specified volume backup
ActionResponse |
BlockQuotaSetServiceImpl.delete(String tenantId)
Deletes quotas for a tenant so the quotas revert to default values
ActionResponse |
BlockVolumeServiceImpl.extend(String volumeId,
Integer newSize)
Extends the specified volume size.
ActionResponse |
BlockVolumeServiceImpl.forceDelete(String volumeId)
Attempt forced removal of volume, regardless of the state.
ActionResponse |
BlockVolumeServiceImpl.migrate(String volumeId,
String hostService,
boolean forceHostCopy) |
ActionResponse |
BlockVolumeServiceImpl.readOnlyModeUpdate(String volumeId,
boolean readonly)
Updates volume read-only access-mode flag
ActionResponse |
BlockVolumeServiceImpl.resetState(String volumeId,
Volume.Status status)
Resets the specified volume status.
ActionResponse |
BlockVolumeSnapshotServiceImpl.update(String snapshotId,
String name,
String description)
Updates the Name and/or Description for the specified snapshot
ActionResponse |
BlockVolumeServiceImpl.update(String volumeId,
String name,
String description)
OpenStack only allows name or description to be updated.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
ObjectStorageContainerServiceImpl.create(String name)
Creates a new container with the specified
name |
ActionResponse |
ObjectStorageContainerServiceImpl.create(String name,
CreateUpdateContainerOptions options)
Creates a new container with the specified
name with options |
ActionResponse |
ObjectStorageObjectServiceImpl.delete(ObjectLocation location) |
ActionResponse |
ObjectStorageObjectServiceImpl.delete(ObjectLocation location,
ObjectDeleteOptions options) |
ActionResponse |
ObjectStorageContainerServiceImpl.delete(String name)
Deletes an empty container with the specified
name |
ActionResponse |
ObjectStorageObjectServiceImpl.delete(String containerName,
String name) |
ActionResponse |
ObjectStorageContainerServiceImpl.update(String name,
CreateUpdateContainerOptions options)
Updates a container with the specified
name with options |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
VnfServiceImpl.delete(String vnfId)
Delete Vnf - Deletes a specified VnfId from the VNF catalog.
ActionResponse |
VnfdServiceImpl.delete(String vnfdId)
Delete vnfd - Deletes a specified vnfdId from the VNF catalog.
ActionResponse |
VimServiceImpl.delete(String vimId)
Delete Vim - Deletes a specified vimId from the VIM catalog.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
AlarmServiceImpl.delete(String alarmId)
Delete a specified alarm
ActionResponse |
AlarmAodhServiceImpl.delete(String alarmId)
Delete a specified alarm
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionResponse |
DBDatabaseServiceImpl.create(String instanceId,
TroveDatabase.Databases databases)
Create a new database
ActionResponse |
DBUserServiceImpl.create(String instanceId,
TroveDatabaseUser.DatabaseUsers databaseUsers)
Create a user for the database instance
ActionResponse |
DBInstanceServiceImpl.delete(String id) |
ActionResponse |
DBUserServiceImpl.delete(String instanceId,
String userName)
Deletes a user for the database instance
ActionResponse |
DBDatabaseServiceImpl.delete(String instanceId,
String dbName)
Deletes the database
ActionResponse |
DBUserServiceImpl.grantUserDBAccess(String instanceId,
String userName,
TroveDatabase.Databases databases)
Grant user access to a database on the database instance
ActionResponse |
DBUserServiceImpl.revokeUserDBAccess(String instanceId,
String userName,
String dbName)
Revoke user access to a database on the database instance
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