Interface | Description |
BasicResource |
A basic resource that captures an Id and Name of the resource
DLPayload |
A Payload which encapsulates downstream data
Extension |
Represents an Extension which adds additional functionality to the OpenStack API
IdEntity |
A simple entity which supports encapsulating an identifier
Link |
Model for a generic link
Payload<T> |
Payload holds a reference to a Payload Object whether it be a file, inputstream or other and provides an input stream when uploading data to OpenStack.
QuotaDetails |
Details for a specific Quota with a Quota-Set
Resource |
A Resource is a common model which contains an Id, TenantId and Name
Class | Description |
ActionResponse |
A response that is returned when an Action is performed against the server.
BaseFilter |
Base Filter class for building Filter Request options
Identifier |
Represents an identifier which can either be an ID or Name
Payloads |
Utility class for creating supported Payloads.
Enum | Description |
Identifier.Type |
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