CinderBackendStoragePool |
Represents a back-end storage pool for Cinder.
CinderBackendStoragePool.CinderCapabilities |
CinderBackendStoragePool.VolumeBackendPools |
CinderBlockLimits |
Show absolute limits for a tenant
CinderBlockLimits.CinderAbsoluteLimit |
CinderBlockQuotaSet |
An OpenStack Quota-Set
CinderBlockQuotaSet.BlockQuotaSetConcreteBuilder |
CinderBlockQuotaSetUsage |
Block Quota-Set Usage Details
CinderUploadImageData |
REST Entity for uploading a Volume to the Image Service
CinderVolume |
An OpenStack Volume
CinderVolume.ConcreteVolumeBuilder |
CinderVolume.Volumes |
CinderVolumeAttachment |
return a description for this volume attachment job
CinderVolumeBackup |
CinderVolumeBackup.VolumeBackups |
CinderVolumeBackupCreate |
CinderVolumeBackupCreate.VolumeBackupCreateConcreteBuilder |
CinderVolumeBackupRestore |
CinderVolumeMigration |
CinderVolumeSnapshot |
An OpenStack Volume Snapshot which is a point-in-time copy of a volume.
CinderVolumeSnapshot.ConcreteVolumeSnapshotBuilder |
CinderVolumeSnapshot.VolumeSnapshots |
CinderVolumeTransfer |
Represents a Volume Transfer Entity which is used for creating a volume transfer
CinderVolumeTransfer.VolumeTransferList |
CinderVolumeTransferAccept |
A request entity used for accepting a volume transfer
CinderVolumeType |
The volume type defines the characteristics of a volume.
CinderVolumeType.ConcreteVolumeTypeBuilder |
CinderVolumeType.VolumeTypes |
CinderVolumeUploadImage |
Represents an action state when uploading a volume to the image service
ExtAvailabilityZone |
ExtAvailabilityZone.AvailabilityZones |
ExtendAction |
ForceDeleteAction |
ResetStatusAction |
UpdateReadOnlyFlagAction |